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The Vector-Borne Disease Ecology Lab aims to advance understanding of how ecological context influences vector populations and the pathogens they transmit, with a view to inform control. Our group combines field and laboratory-based research with statistical and dynamical modelling. Current projects focus on zoonotic pathogens with multiple host species.

Current projects

The ecology and control of zoonotic
mosquito-borne viruses

We have two projects on the transmission and control of mosquito-borne viruses which cause disease in humans, but for which animals other than humans are responsible for maintaining transmission.

Improving surveillance and control of Rhodesian sleeping sickness 

Rhodesian sleeping sickness is caused by trypanosome parasites that infect both wildlife and livestock and are transmitted by tsetse flies. We are involved in collaborative projects in Malawi and Tanzania. 


Mosquitoes as ecosystems

We are interested in applying eco-evolutionary approaches to the experience of viruses while they are inside the mosquito and how this affects population-level transmission. Current projects focus on viral community composition and modelling within-mosquito virus dynamics.

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Principal Investigator


Postdoctoral Research Assistant


Research Technician

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Research Technician


PhD Student

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